Constitution & Bylaws
(Revised 9/2004)
The name of this section of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Incorporated, hereinafter known as ASNT, shall be the Air Capital Section of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing.
The Air Capital Section of ASNT is organized as a nonprofit technical society. It shall be operated without contemplation of pecunia1y gain or profit to the members thereof.
The primary purpose of which this Section was organized is:
A. To provide an opportunity for gathering socially with people whose professional interests and problems are related so that members may be encouraged to:
1. Execute their responsibility more proficient
2. Broaden their technical outlook
3. Prepare for greater responsibilities
B. To provide an opportunity to discuss with outstanding authorities subjects which are of common interest and importance to all those engaged in nondestructive testing in the fields of airframe, missile, propulsion, or related industries.
C. To provide contacts for the mutual assistance of the members through the interchange of technical information which does not fall into the classification of trade secrets.
D. To promote a cooperative, fraternal association among its members.
E. To increase the prestige of the Nondestructive Test Technician by fostering and maintaining high professional standards and ethics.
F. To encourage Engineering and Scientific Scholarship through educational programs in the development and applications of nondestructive testing techniques.
1. Membership in the Air Capital Section of ASNT shall consist of the following classes:
A. Individual Member
B. Sustaining Member
C. Corporate Member
D. Student Member
E. Military Member
F. Retired Member
2. Individual Member
An individual member shall be engaged in or interested in furthering the purposes of nondestructive testing and enrolled as a member of the Air Capital Section. They may vote and hold offices in ASNT.
3. Sustaining Member
Sustaining members shall be individuals who desire to promote the welfare of the ASNT, shall be engaged as a member of the Air Capital Section and may vote and hold office in ASNT.
4. Corporate Members
Corporate Members shall be companies, organizations or individuals that desire to promote the welfare of ASNT. They shall be enrolled as members of the Air Capital Section. Corporate members may designate three (3) persons) as Individual members and have the voting rights and privileges as an individual member.
5. Student Members
Student Members shall be either a full-time or part-time students interested in the purposes of ASNT and shall be currently enrolled in a school, college or university. They shall be enrolled as a member of the Air Capital Section. They may not vote nor hold an office in ASNT.
6. Military Member
A Military Member shall be a person interested in the purposes of ASNT and serve full-time in the military with a grade up to and including E-5. They shall be enrolled as a member of the Air Capital Section. Military Members may not vote nor hold an office in ASNT.
7. Retired Member
A Retired Member shall be a person who has paid the full membership for fifteen (15) years, are at least sixty (60) years old, retired and not receiving remuneration of any kind for nondestructive testing activity. They shall be enrolled as a member of the Air Capital Section and they may vote and hold an office in ASNT.
8. Right and Privileges
The rights and privileges of membership shall be as provided herein:
A. All classes of members are eligible to attend all Section meetings.
B. All members except Student and Military Members are eligible to vote as provided by the Section Bylaws.
9. Application
Application for membership in the Section shall be made in writing or by email to ASNT headquarters. The application for membership can be made by contacting ASNT at 800-222-2768 or by obtaining the form on the internet at
10. Use of Term "Member"
As used in this Constitution, the term "Member" shall be construed to include all classes of membership, except as otherwise provided.
11. Change of Grade of Membership
Any Member who desires to change their class of membership shall make application in writing or by email as described in section 9 above.
12. Change of Section Affiliation
A member of any class in good standing who desires to transfer affiliation from one Section to another shall make application in writing or by email as described in section 9 above.
13. Rejection and Expulsion
The Executive Committee may, by a two-thirds majority vote, refuse to accept membership and may expel any member of the Section from ASNT, after hearing and for due causes shown at any regular or special meeting duly called and held, provided that due notice of such meeting and the purpose of the meeting shall have been given to the member to be expelled. Members who are delinquent thirty days after final notice of non-payment of annual dues shall automatically be dropped from the rolls and shall not receive publications of the Section.
14. Reinstatement
After 180 days, an expelled member may be reinstated by making application and being accepted in the manner as a new member.
The Chairman may not succeed himself after two full terms in office, but, may be elected to any office after a lapse of not less than one year except that when the Chairman does not succeed himself for a consecutive te1m he shall be eligible for election to any office during the following year.
1. Designation
The officers of the Section shall consist of the following:
A. Chairman
B. Vice-Chairman
C. Secretary
D. Treasurer
E. Three (3) Executive Committee members. (This shall be the minimum number for Section operation.)
F. Senior National Delegate
G. Junior National Delegate
2. Qualification
Any person who has been a member in good standing in ASNT for a period of at least one year is eligible for election as a Section Officer. Any person who has been a member in good standing in ASNT for a period of at least two years and has been a "Section Officer" for at least one year is eligible for election as a National Delegate.
3. Tenure of Office
The Section Officers and the Junior National Delegate shall be elected by the members of the Section at the annual meeting of the Section. They shall take office on the day following the close of the annual meeting and shall hold office until the close of the next succeeding annual meeting of the Section and thereafter until their successors are elected and take office. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Chairman, the Vice-Chairman shall complete the unexpired term. In the event of a vacancy in any other elected office, the Executive Committee shall elect a successor to complete the unexpired term.
4. Obligations
Each of the officers shall perform the duties legally or as customarily attached to his respective office and such other duties as may be required of them by the Executive Committee. All Officers and Executive Committee Members are obligated to make every effort to attend all Section meetings (regular and board meetings).In the event that an Officer or an Executive Committee Member should be absent for two consecutive board meetings or absences should total more than 50 percent of the meetings in one year without a valid excuse or without contacting the Chairman or Vice-Chairman with an explanation, they would be subject to removal from office. Such removal from office would require a majority vote of the Executive Board.
5. Chairman
The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Section and at all meetings of the Executive Committee. He shall, in general, act as Chief Executive of the Section, subject at all times to the approval of the Executive Committee and shall have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee.
6. Vice-Chairman
The Vice-Chairman shall perform the duties of Officers the Chairman in the event the Chairman is absent or unable to act, and shall have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee.
7. Secretary
The Secretary shall keep full minutes of all meetings of the Section and of the Executive Committee, and shall have custody of all papers and records of the Section. Within ten days after an Executive Committee meeting he shall prepare and transmit a copy of the minutes of the meeting to each member of the Executive Committee. He shall perform such other duties as are imposed upon him by this Constitution, and, in addition, he shall have such other powers and duties as the Executive Committee may prescribe.
8. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall receive, hold, and disburse all funds of the Section. He shall deposit the funds of the Section in such bank or banks as may be designated by the Executive CommiL1ee. He shall make an annual report to the annual meeting of the Section which shall include, among other items, a detailed account of the funds received by the Section and their sources thereof, a detailed account of the funds expended by the Section and the purposes for which they were expended, and such other matters as the Executive Committee may require. He shall file a copy of such report with the Secretary of the Section within ten days following the annual meeting. He shall prepare and file such reports as may be required by the National Office of ASNT, the district Director of Internal Revenue, and the State Director of lnternal Revenue. The Executive Committee may require that the Treasurer furnish bond, in such amount and with such sureties as it may determine to secure the faithful performance by him of his duties. The cost of such bond shall be paid from the funds of the Section.
9. Combined Offices of Secretary-Treasurer
The Executive Committee may elect to combine the offices of Secreta1y and Treasurer into one office designated Secretary-Treasurer. If this option is exercised, the nomination shall be for the combined office of Secretary-Treasurer and one person shall be elected to the office. He shall have all of the duties and responsibilities set forth in items 7 and 8 and such other powers and duties as the Executive Committee may designate.
10. Executive Committeemen
Executive Committeemen shall include a minimum of three members of the Section who do not hold other elective offices on the Executive Committee. They shall represent the Section membership at large and each Executive Committeeman shall have one vote on all items brought before the Executive Committee.
11. Senior National Delegate
The National Delegates are elected for two year terms, one being elected each year as the Junior National Delegate. The second year of this term the Delegate shall automatically become Senior National Delegate. His duties shall include representing the Section at national meetings of ASNT and such other power and duties as may be designated by the Executive Committee.
12. Junior National Delegate
The Junior National Delegate acts in the capacity during his first year of his two year term, being automatically elevated to Senior National Delegate during the second year. His duties as Junior National Delegate shall include representing the Section at the National meetings of ASNT as the alternate to the Senior National Delegate and such other powers and duties as may be designated by the Executive Committee.
1. Composition
The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Junior National Delegate and Senior National Delegate shall be members of the Executive Committee by virtue of their offices. At least three additional persons shall be selected from the Section membership and shall be designated Executive Committeemen. All members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the members of the Section, except as provided by Items 4 and 5. The retiring Chairman of the Section automatically becomes a member of the Executive Committee for a period of one year.
2. Tenure of Office
The elected members of the Executive Committee shall serve thereon for one year, except the National Delegates who shall serve for two years. At the annual meeting of the Section in each year, the Section shall Executive Committee elect the successors to the members of the Executive Committee. The members so elected shall take office on the day following the close of the meeting at which they are elected, and shall hold office until the close of the next succeeding annual meeting of the Section, and thereafter until their successors are elected and take office.
3. Election of Additional Executive Committeemen
If any elected committeeman is elected an officer of the Section for a term which is concurrent with his term as Executive Committeeman, the Executive Committee shall elect an additional Committeeman to serve thereon, in order that there is always at least three Executive Committeemen on the Committee. Such additional Committeeman shall hold office until the close of the next succeeding annual meeting of the Section.
4. Vacancies
Vacancies occurring in the Executive Committee, or in any elective office except the Chairmanship, through detach, resignation, or any other cause, shall be filled by election of a member of the Society by the said Committee. Members elected by the Executive Committee to fill such vacancies shall serve until next annual election. In the event that the office of the Chairman is vacated, the Vice- Chairman shall automatically assume the office unti l the next annual election.
5. Bylaws
Each Executive Committee may establish Bylaws regulating the calling of meetings of the Executive Committee and the conduct of business at such meetings. Such Bylaws shall be consistent with these Articles and with the Constitution and Bylaws of ASNT.
6. Meetings
Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at such times and places as it may designate, and upon such notice, if any as it may prescribe. A majority of the members of the Executive Committee and include at least one of the Executive Committeemen, shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Committee. The act of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee in attendance at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall constitute the act of the Executive Committee, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution . 1l1e Secretary shall cause the minutes of all Executive Committee meetings to be published and copies of the said minutes to be placed in the hands of each member of the Executive Committee within ten days after each meeting.
7. Committee
The Committee hereinafter named shall constitute standing committees of the Section. The Executive Committee may create such other committees as it may deem advisable, and may determine the number of members and define the powers and duties of any committee as created. The Chaim1an of each committee shall be
appointed by the Section Chairman, subject to confirmation by the Executive Committee. TI1ey shall take office immediately upon their appointment and shall hold office until the close of the next succeeding annual meeting of the Section, or for such shorter period of time as the Executive Committee may prescribe at the time of creating the committee. The Chairman and the Secretary shall be member ex-official of each committee.
A. Program Committee
The Program Committee shall consist of the Vice Chairman and such additional members as the Executive Committee may designate. lt shall arrange for a suitable techn ical program to be presented at each regular meeting of the Society.
B. Education Committee
The Education Committee shall consist of the Chairman and such additional members as the Executive Committee may designate. It shall arrange for the education program including the marketing, scheduling and location selection.
C. Presidents Points Committee
The Presidents Points shall consist of the Chaimian and such additional members as the Executive Committee may designate. It is in charge of monitoring the status of the Presidents Points Program, including making notification to ASNT National. The committee shall also be responsible notifying ASNT National of "Section News" events in behalf of the Air Capital Section.
D. Year Book Committee
The Yearbook Committee shall consist of the Chairman and such additional members as the Executive Committee may designate. It is in charge of solicitation of sponsors and the compilation of the yearbook including the publication and distribution.
E. Membership Committee
The Mem bership Committee shall consist of the Chairman and such additional members as tl1e Executive Committee may designate. It shall be responsible for all efforts to secure new members and to encourage membership growth, both in the Section and in the interest of ASNT. Itshall be in charge of greeting and welcoming guests at the regular meetings of the Section.
F. Constitution and Bylaws Committee
The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall consist of the Chairman and such additional members as the Executive Comm ittee may designate. It is charged with the responsibility to interpret the Section Constitution and By- Laws to ensure operation of the Section in harmony with the precepts of ASNT. The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall be responsible for phrasing amendments and additions to the Constitution and Bylaws.
G. Audit Committee
Not less than thirty days prior to the annual meeting each year, the Section Chaim1an, subject to conformation by the Executive Committee, shall appoint a Chairman and two members from the Section to serve as the Audit Comm ittee. No member of the Executive Committee or the Finance
Committee, if such exists, may be appointed to the Audit Committee. lt shall audit the records and accounts of the Secretary and the Treasurer, verify the Section 's bank balances, make a physical count of the Section's properties and investments, and render a repo1t of its findings to the annual meeting of the Section.
H. Nominating Committee
Not less than sixty days prior to the annual meeting each year, the Executive Committee shall appoint a Chairman and two members from the Section to serve on the Nominating Committee. No Section Member may be a member of the nomination Committee. Not less than sixty days prior to the annual meeting each year, the Nominating
Committee shall announce to the members of the Section the candidates it has placed in nomination for each elective position on the Executive Committee which is to be filled at the next annual meeting of the Section. First consideration for nomination will be given to current slate of Officers. Prior to consideration for nomination as section officer, nominee m ust have served at least one year as a member of Executive Committee Board at large. Any member of the Nominating Committee may be nominated for any office to be filled by election.
1. Nomination
The Nominating Committee shall nominate at least one candidate for each office and at least one candidate for each position on the Executive Committee which is to be filled by election at the next annual meeting. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a written slate of the nominees and the offices for which they are candidates. Copies of the slate together with a nominee petition form shall be mailed to each voting member of the Section at the address which last appears on the he Section records, not later than thirty days prior to the annual meeting. Additional candidates may be placed in nomination by petition from membership for any office to be filled. Petition from not less than 5 per cent of the voting members, or from 3 voting members, the greater number controlling, shall be required for each candidate to be placed in nomination by petition. All petitions shall be returned to the Chairman of the Nominating Committee not later than ten days prior to the annual election. Any member nominated to any office or position on the Executive Committee shall meet the qualifications of Article IV, Item 2, and shall have agreed to serve, if elected. Ten days prior to the annual meeting all nominations shall cease and the Nominating Committee shall prepare the final ballot showing all candidates nominated and the offices or positions to which they were nominated.
2. Election
Ballots shall be distributed to all voting members in attendance e at the annual meeting. A Committee of Tellers shall be formed and shall consist of the Secretary and two members in attendance. The Secretary shall act as Chairman of the Committee of Tellers. The ballots shall be marked by the voting members and collected by the Committee of Tellers. The Committee of Tellers shall open and count all ballots. The nominee for each office receiving the highest number of votes, in number equal to the number of places to be filled by election, shall be declared elected. The Chairman of the Committee of Tellers shall announce to the meeting the names of the persons elected, but shall not announce the number of votes cast for any nominee.
3. Election by Acclamation
If not more than one person is nominated for each office, and for each place on the Executive Committee which is to be filled by election, the provisions of the preceding Item shall be disregarded and the Secretary shall be instructed by the Chairman to cast a unanimous ballot for the selection of the Nominating Committee.
1. Annual
An annual meeting of the Section shall be held i n the spring of each year. The day, the hour, and the place of the meeting shall be fixed by the Executive Committee.
2. Regular
Other meetings of the Section shall be held periodically at such times and places as may be designated buy the Executive Committee.
3. Notice of Meetings
Written notice of each meeting of the Section, stating the time, place, and purpose of the meeting, shall be mailed to each member of the Section, at his address (postal or electronic as applicable for the respective member) as the same appears on the Secretary's records.
4. Voting and Representation
Each member of the Section, except Student & Military Members, shall be entitled to cast one vote on all questions brought before the Section at a regular or the annual meeting. Corporate and Sustaining Members are entitled to votes in the number equal to the number of individual members designated by the Corporate and Sustaining Member, such votes to be cast by the designated individual members on behalf of such Business interests shall not be entitled to a second vote in their own behalf as individual members.
5. Quorum
Ten percent or more voting members in good standing of the Section in attendance at any meeting shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business brought before said meeting. The act of a majority of the voting members in attendance at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall constitute the act of the Section.
1. Dues and Subsidies
Each member of the Section shall pay the dues fixed by the National Office of ASNT and by the Section of which he is a member and in the manner provided therein. Fees and assessments, levied by Lie Section shall be paid in the manner provided in the Bylaws of the Section. All funds or monies accruing to the Section shall be deposited in the bank or banks designated by the Executive Committee in an alternate signature account under the official Title of the Section.
2. Compensation of Officers and Employees
The Executive Committee may authorize the reimbursement of expenses incurred by any officer of member and payment of reasonable compensation to any employee, not also a member of the Section, for services rendered to the Section.
3. Disbursements
All checks and other instruments for the disbursement of Section funds shall be drawn in the name of the Section, and shall be signed by the Treasurer, or in his absence by the Chairman or Vice Chairman. Approval of disbursements of funds shall be in accordance with the Section Bylaws.
4. Records
The Treasurer shall keep such records and file such reports as required to discharge the duties and responsibilities of the Section to ASNT, the Federal, and the State governments.
5. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Section shall commence on July 1 and terminate on June 30 of each year.
6. Dissolution and Disbursement of Section Funds
In the event that the Section should cease to exist, prior to its dissolution, the officers shall cause all properties, goods, and chattels to be sold. All monies resulting from the liquidation of these assets, together with any remaining Section funds, and any funds resulting from collection of debts owed to the Section, shall be used to discharge all claims and obligations against the Section. Any funds remaining after all obligations and claims against the Section have been settled shall be donated to the American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Incorporated, with the stipulation that these funds shall be used solely for educational purposes. Should the National Society not exist, the funds shall be donated to education institutions designated by the Executive Committee.
The provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing, incorporated, are integrated into this Constitution and Bylaws to the extent that they are applicable to the Section. Nothing contained herein shall be contrary to or inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing Incorporated.
This Constitution may be adopted, and after adoption, may be amended or repealed by the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Section in attendance at any meeting of the Section which is called and conducted in accordance with the provisions contained in Article VII. The notice of such meeting shall clearly state that the Constitution is to be adopted, amended, or repealed, as the case may be. In the case of its adoption, such notice shall be accompanied by a copy of the Constitution, and in the case of its amendment, by a copy of the proposed amendment. The action of the Section i11 adopting, amending, or repealing the Constitution shall become effective immediately, unless the Section at the time of taking such action otherwise provides.