Industrial facility with towering metal structures, pipelines, and scaffolding under a clear blue sky.
MFPT logo in white

Machine Failure Prevention Technology

Shaping the future of mechanical reliability and failure prevention.

Founded in 1967, the Machinery Failure Prevention Technology (MFPT) society is dedicated to fostering the exchange of ideas among scientists and engineers to combat mechanical failures. Originally known as the Mechanical Failures Prevention Group (MFPG), the society works to enhance design methodologies and predict failures -- significantly improving reliability, safety, and economic efficiency.

While the organization has evolved over the years, its commitment to preventing mechanical failures remains strong. Today, MFPT is a vital hub for innovation in this crucial field, driving advancements that shape the future of mechanical reliability. This mission is realized through key objectives:

  • Promote Collaboration: Bring experts together to share knowledge and ideas and tackle real-world challenges.

  • Increase Awareness: Highlight the impact of failures and ways to prevent them.

  • Boost Efficiency: Help industries and governments work smarter through better technology.

Machine Failure Protection Technology Annual Conference

Virginia Beach, VA
20-22 May 2025

This event is your key to boosting equipment reliability and significantly reducing downtime. Join industry experts as they delve into essential strategies like failure prevention, condition monitoring, and predictive maintenance. Discover cutting-edge tools and innovative solutions designed to maximize machinery performance and drive operational excellence.

Learn more 
Banner for the MFPT Annual Conference, managed by ASNT, showing four images of industrial and mechanical systems with the ASNT logo.

MFPT Affiliated Member Benefits

MFPT is now an affiliate of ASNT, giving you access to MFPT’s trusted professional network by joining ASNT and selecting MFPT affiliation.

As an ASNT member, you’ll gain industry-leading resources, professional development opportunities, and connections with peers and innovators. Whether you’re a scientist, engineer, maintenance specialist, or industry leader, ASNT membership empowers you to excel and make an impact.

Affiliating with MFPT through ASNT unlocks specialized benefits focused on advancing mechanical reliability and failure prevention:

Close-up of three business professionals in suits working together at a table. They are reviewing charts and graphs on documents spread out on the table, with pens in hand, discussing and analyzing the data.

Leadership and Governance: How We Operate

MFPT brings together experts from various fields to focus on real-world solutions. Led by a dedicated team in Dresher, PA, and guided by our Board of Directors, we host an annual conference, develop content and resources, and lead focus groups to advance machine failure prevention.

Meet our Board

The MFPT board of directors consists of five members who offer their time, experience, and leadership. Board members are nominated and elected at the MFPT Annual Conference every three years.

Sure Ganeriwala headshot

Suri Ganeriwala


Preston Johnson headshot

Preston Johnson

Immediate Past Chairman

Eric Bechoefer headshot

Eric Bechhoefer


Mike Lipsett headshot

Mike Lipsett

Secretary and Treasurer

Drew Swanson headshot

Drew Swanson

Communications Chair

Focus Groups: Facilitating Technical Interchange

Focus groups meets at least once a year—or more frequently as needed—to assist in organizing annual meetings and undertake tasks related to machinery failure prevention. New focus groups are formed as necessary to address emerging challenges.

This group comprises over 15 members from military and government agencies, academic institutions, and various industries. Its mission is to advance data management practices to enhance machinery and structural health monitoring and support maintenance decision-making.

Interested in participating? Contact

Goals and Objectives:

  • Solicit papers and tutorials of interest for the Data Management Track at the MFPT annual meeting.

  • Support the development of data management tools and capabilities and standards for the detection and measurement of failure modes and for monitoring machinery and structural health to reduce the incidence of failures and to assist in maintenance decision making.

  • Collect, analyze and disseminate (download to ground stations) technical information for all sensed parameters.

  • Address the need for data solutions, promote integral nature of data management for HM systems; stimulate transfer of federally developed data management sensor technology to private sector.

Current Focus Areas:

  • Provide a forum for discussing new technologies and member projects. Post useful links, presentations, requests for information.

  • Monitor new development areas to pursue e.g. disparate data interaction, compression.

  • Participate in / influence development of data management standards across Professional Societies and Standards Organizations (MIMOSA etc).

The Diagnostics and Prognostics Focus Group (D&PFG) fosters professional collaboration and knowledge-sharing in Prognostics and Health Management (PHM). It serves as an entry point for newcomers to the field and as a platform for experienced professionals to address pressing challenges. The group also encourages the adoption of standards and PHM applications across various domains.

Interested in participating? Contact

Goals and Objectives:

D&PFG is a group of professionals working to advance the field of PHM by collaborating on technical issues and sharing relevant industry information. Some of the D&PFG focus areas are:

  • Mechanical and electronic PHM

  • Prognostic methods and technology

  • PHM Standards

  • PHM case studies

Current Focus Areas:

  • LinkedIn Group supporting online collaboration

  • Regular contributions to the MFPT Newsletter

  • Promote Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) related technical papers for MFPT annual conference

The Failure Analysis Focus Group (FAFG) promotes the development and application of failure analysis techniques to prevent future failures and conserve valuable resources. By collaborating with other MFPT Focus Groups, FAFG emphasizes the critical role of failure analysis in the product life cycle while sharing insights with the MFPT community.

Interested in participating? Contact

Goals and Objectives:

  • Strengthen Expertise: Provide the MFPT Society with access to failure analysis experts and related disciplines.

  • Problem-Solving: Facilitate solutions to challenges through a robust network of over 55 professionals from diverse fields such as metallurgy, tribology, microscopy, and materials processing.

  • Build Awareness: Highlight the importance of failure analysis and its integration across the product life cycle.

Current Focus Areas:

  • Web-based problem-solving network within the focus group.

  • Provide articles to the MFPT Newsletter, including Failure Fan-alysis features.

  • Generate ideas for future conference sessions and solicit papers for upcoming conferences.

  • Promote MFPT activities at other conferences/ meetings.

    List potential job openings and circulate members' resumes.

The Human Systems Monitoring Focus Group (HSMFG) serves as an international forum for academia, industry, and government to collaborate on advancements in human monitoring systems technologies. From wearable sensors to data analytics, the group explores innovative methods to enhance health, fitness, and performance monitoring across various applications.

Interested in participating? Contact

Goals and Objectives:

  • Provide guidance and direction in the technical area of human systems monitoring.

  • Assist in requirements generation for the Department of Defense, health care, athletics, and other applicable industries for monitoring human performance during operations.

  • Provide Human Systems Monitoring sessions, papers/presentations, tutorials, and guidance at MFPT Annual Conference.

Current Focus Areas:

  • Identify new development areas that should be pursued.

  • Contribute relevant articles to the MFPT Newsletter.

  • Pursuing a special issue journal in the area of Human Systems Monitoring.

The Sensors Technology Focus Group brings together over 30 members from military and government agencies, academic institutions, industries, and sensor suppliers. Dedicated to advancing sensor technology, the group provides a platform for collaboration, innovation, and knowledge-sharing to improve machinery and structural health monitoring and failure prevention.

Interested in participating? Contact

Goals and Objectives:

  • Solicit papers and tutorials of interest for the Sensors Technology Track at the MFPT annual meeting.

  • Support the development of sensor technology and standards for the detection and measurement of failure modes, monitoring machinery and structural health to reduce the incidence of failures, and assisting in maintenance decision-making.

  • Collect, analyze, and disseminate technical information on all sensor technologies.

  • Address the need for sensor solutions, encourage R&D of sensor technology for critical needs, and stimulate the transfer of federally developed sensor technology to the private sector.

Current Focus Areas:

  • Provide a forum for discussing new technologies and member projects. Post useful links, presentations, and requests for information.

  • Identify new development areas that should be pursued e.g. higher temperature devices (> 1200 deg F), wireless sensor networking, intelligence at the device, and improved durability and lower failure rates.

  • Participate in / influencing the development of sensor standards across Professional Societies and Standards Organizations.

The Signal Processing and Diagnostics Focus Group consists of specialists in data acquisition, signal analysis, diagnostics, artificial intelligence, and related fields. The group focuses on analyzing signals to accurately and reliably assess the condition of components, subsystems, and systems, aiming to maximize reliability while minimizing costs.

Interested in participating? Contact

Goals and Objectives:

  • Analyze input signals (vibration, sound, speed, pressure, oil quantity/quality, etc.) via observation, signal processing, etc. to accurately and reliably assess the condition of components, subsystems, and systems in sufficient time to maximize reliability and minimize costs.

  • Provide a forum to spread information (user to user) about new and updated techniques, tools, and references that make the job easier, more accurate, and more reliable

  • Assist the other MFPT Focus Groups: Systems Engineering, Sensors, Diagnostics & Prognostics, Failure Analysis, Data Management

Current Focus Areas:

  • Develop new techniques (hardware and software) for the accurate, reliable detection of damage to components of systems to reduce false alarms, and missed failures, and increase warning times.

  • Provide a forum to distribute information (user to user) about new and updated techniques, tools, and references that make the job easier, more accurate, and more reliable.

  • Implement a networking site to distribute knowledge to others (internal and external to our organization).

  • Provide support to the other MFPT Focus Groups.

The Signal Processing and Diagnostics Focus Group consists of specialists in data acquisition, signal analysis, diagnostics, artificial intelligence, and related fields. The group focuses on analyzing signals to accurately and reliably assess the condition of components, subsystems, and systems, aiming to maximize reliability while minimizing costs.

Interested in participating? Contact

Goals and Objectives:

  • Provide systems engineering (SE) consulting to members

  • Increase awareness of SE benefits by providing education to members

  • Define a framework to apply SE to MFPT

  • Define SE standards that will assist technology readiness to facilitate the transition of technology into mainstream use

  • Foster interdisciplinary collaboration between members

Current Focus Areas:

  • Regular teleconferencing calls for interested parties

  • Regular contributions to the MFPT newsletter

  • Provide systems engineering sessions, papers/presentations, tutorials, and guidance at MFPT annual meetings

This group comprises over 15 members from military and government agencies, academic institutions, and various industries. Its mission is to advance data management practices to enhance machinery and structural health monitoring and support maintenance decision-making.

Interested in participating? Contact

Goals and Objectives:

  • Solicit papers and tutorials of interest for the Data Management Track at the MFPT annual meeting.

  • Support the development of data management tools and capabilities and standards for the detection and measurement of failure modes and for monitoring machinery and structural health to reduce the incidence of failures and to assist in maintenance decision making.

  • Collect, analyze and disseminate (download to ground stations) technical information for all sensed parameters.

  • Address the need for data solutions, promote integral nature of data management for HM systems; stimulate transfer of federally developed data management sensor technology to private sector.

Current Focus Areas:

  • Provide a forum for discussing new technologies and member projects. Post useful links, presentations, requests for information.

  • Monitor new development areas to pursue e.g. disparate data interaction, compression.

  • Participate in / influence development of data management standards across Professional Societies and Standards Organizations (MIMOSA etc).

The Diagnostics and Prognostics Focus Group (D&PFG) fosters professional collaboration and knowledge-sharing in Prognostics and Health Management (PHM). It serves as an entry point for newcomers to the field and as a platform for experienced professionals to address pressing challenges. The group also encourages the adoption of standards and PHM applications across various domains.

Interested in participating? Contact

Goals and Objectives:

D&PFG is a group of professionals working to advance the field of PHM by collaborating on technical issues and sharing relevant industry information. Some of the D&PFG focus areas are:

  • Mechanical and electronic PHM

  • Prognostic methods and technology

  • PHM Standards

  • PHM case studies

Current Focus Areas:

  • LinkedIn Group supporting online collaboration

  • Regular contributions to the MFPT Newsletter

  • Promote Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) related technical papers for MFPT annual conference

The Failure Analysis Focus Group (FAFG) promotes the development and application of failure analysis techniques to prevent future failures and conserve valuable resources. By collaborating with other MFPT Focus Groups, FAFG emphasizes the critical role of failure analysis in the product life cycle while sharing insights with the MFPT community.

Interested in participating? Contact

Goals and Objectives:

  • Strengthen Expertise: Provide the MFPT Society with access to failure analysis experts and related disciplines.

  • Problem-Solving: Facilitate solutions to challenges through a robust network of over 55 professionals from diverse fields such as metallurgy, tribology, microscopy, and materials processing.

  • Build Awareness: Highlight the importance of failure analysis and its integration across the product life cycle.

Current Focus Areas:

  • Web-based problem-solving network within the focus group.

  • Provide articles to the MFPT Newsletter, including Failure Fan-alysis features.

  • Generate ideas for future conference sessions and solicit papers for upcoming conferences.

  • Promote MFPT activities at other conferences/ meetings.

    List potential job openings and circulate members' resumes.

The Human Systems Monitoring Focus Group (HSMFG) serves as an international forum for academia, industry, and government to collaborate on advancements in human monitoring systems technologies. From wearable sensors to data analytics, the group explores innovative methods to enhance health, fitness, and performance monitoring across various applications.

Interested in participating? Contact

Goals and Objectives:

  • Provide guidance and direction in the technical area of human systems monitoring.

  • Assist in requirements generation for the Department of Defense, health care, athletics, and other applicable industries for monitoring human performance during operations.

  • Provide Human Systems Monitoring sessions, papers/presentations, tutorials, and guidance at MFPT Annual Conference.

Current Focus Areas:

  • Identify new development areas that should be pursued.

  • Contribute relevant articles to the MFPT Newsletter.

  • Pursuing a special issue journal in the area of Human Systems Monitoring.

The Sensors Technology Focus Group brings together over 30 members from military and government agencies, academic institutions, industries, and sensor suppliers. Dedicated to advancing sensor technology, the group provides a platform for collaboration, innovation, and knowledge-sharing to improve machinery and structural health monitoring and failure prevention.

Interested in participating? Contact

Goals and Objectives:

  • Solicit papers and tutorials of interest for the Sensors Technology Track at the MFPT annual meeting.

  • Support the development of sensor technology and standards for the detection and measurement of failure modes, monitoring machinery and structural health to reduce the incidence of failures, and assisting in maintenance decision-making.

  • Collect, analyze, and disseminate technical information on all sensor technologies.

  • Address the need for sensor solutions, encourage R&D of sensor technology for critical needs, and stimulate the transfer of federally developed sensor technology to the private sector.

Current Focus Areas:

  • Provide a forum for discussing new technologies and member projects. Post useful links, presentations, and requests for information.

  • Identify new development areas that should be pursued e.g. higher temperature devices (> 1200 deg F), wireless sensor networking, intelligence at the device, and improved durability and lower failure rates.

  • Participate in / influencing the development of sensor standards across Professional Societies and Standards Organizations.

The Signal Processing and Diagnostics Focus Group consists of specialists in data acquisition, signal analysis, diagnostics, artificial intelligence, and related fields. The group focuses on analyzing signals to accurately and reliably assess the condition of components, subsystems, and systems, aiming to maximize reliability while minimizing costs.

Interested in participating? Contact

Goals and Objectives:

  • Analyze input signals (vibration, sound, speed, pressure, oil quantity/quality, etc.) via observation, signal processing, etc. to accurately and reliably assess the condition of components, subsystems, and systems in sufficient time to maximize reliability and minimize costs.

  • Provide a forum to spread information (user to user) about new and updated techniques, tools, and references that make the job easier, more accurate, and more reliable

  • Assist the other MFPT Focus Groups: Systems Engineering, Sensors, Diagnostics & Prognostics, Failure Analysis, Data Management

Current Focus Areas:

  • Develop new techniques (hardware and software) for the accurate, reliable detection of damage to components of systems to reduce false alarms, and missed failures, and increase warning times.

  • Provide a forum to distribute information (user to user) about new and updated techniques, tools, and references that make the job easier, more accurate, and more reliable.

  • Implement a networking site to distribute knowledge to others (internal and external to our organization).

  • Provide support to the other MFPT Focus Groups.

The Signal Processing and Diagnostics Focus Group consists of specialists in data acquisition, signal analysis, diagnostics, artificial intelligence, and related fields. The group focuses on analyzing signals to accurately and reliably assess the condition of components, subsystems, and systems, aiming to maximize reliability while minimizing costs.

Interested in participating? Contact

Goals and Objectives:

  • Provide systems engineering (SE) consulting to members

  • Increase awareness of SE benefits by providing education to members

  • Define a framework to apply SE to MFPT

  • Define SE standards that will assist technology readiness to facilitate the transition of technology into mainstream use

  • Foster interdisciplinary collaboration between members

Current Focus Areas:

  • Regular teleconferencing calls for interested parties

  • Regular contributions to the MFPT newsletter

  • Provide systems engineering sessions, papers/presentations, tutorials, and guidance at MFPT annual meetings

Advancing Knowledge Through Research

MFPT is dedicated to advancing the science and practice of machine failure prevention through rigorous, peer-reviewed research. Our published papers highlight cutting-edge developments in diagnostics, prognostics, and failure analysis—helping industry professionals and researchers stay at the forefront of reliability engineering.

Explore MFPT Research Papers

Honors and Awards

The MFPT Society recognizes individuals’ and organizations’ contributions and excellence in a number of different awards and recognitions. Winners are selected by the board, reflecting innovation, leadership, and impact.

Fellows of the MFPT Society

Up to two individuals may be elected as fellows each year. Nominations are submitted by MFPT Board members and considered by the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Executive Director. Fellows are recognized for their exceptional service to the MFPT Society and significant contributions to the failure prevention community. Candidates usually have served on the Board and are invited to attend Board meetings.

Jack Frarey Memorial Award for Excellence

This award annually recognizes individuals or organizations whose outstanding contributions reflect the spirit and dedication exemplified by Frarey. Candidates are evaluated based on the innovation and lasting significance of their contributions, their history of advancing the field, and the broader context of their impact.

Henry and Sallie Pusey Best Paper Award

Awarded annually recognizing the best paper presented at the MFPT conference by awarding the author(s) the Henry and Sallie Pusey Best Paper Award. Selected by peer professionals, the winning paper exemplifies excellence in technical contribution, clarity, and professionalism. The award recognizes the significant contribution of Henry and Sallie Pusey to MFPT over many years.

The Hank Hegner Best Student Paper Award

The Best Student Paper Award is an annual honor recognizeing the outstanding student paper presented at the MFPT conference. In 2015, a Runner-Up Student Paper Award was introduced alongside it. This award is named in honor of Hank Hegner, who was dedicated to teaching and mentoring students and young engineers.

View Past Winners


Preston Todd Johnson


James ‘Hoffy’ Hofmeister


Mark Derriso and Suri Ganeriwala


Chris Pomfret


John Lucero


Mark Hollins


Fred M Discenzo, PhD


William Marscher, PE


Michael J Roemer, PhD


Marc Pepi


Ronald I. Eshleman, PhD, PE and C James Li, PhD


Chris Nemarich and Henry C Pusey


Paul Howard


Howard A Gaberson, PhD


John L. (Jack) Frarey


John L. (Jack) Frarey


Paul Howard


Bill Marscher, PE


Robert (Bob) Randall, PhD


Richard Greaves, PhD


Mark Derriso, PhD


Link Jaw, PhD


Professor Jay Lee, PhD


Ron Eshleman, PhD, PE


Vic Champagne


Bill Nickerson


John E Judd


Michael J Roemer, PhD


Howard A Gaberson, PhD


"Peculiar Cases of Pinion Vibration in Parallel Shaft Double Helical Gear Units: Identification and Mitigation"

Mantosh Bhattacharya, Petrofac


"A Peer-Based Health Monitoring Approach for Rolling Element Bearings: A Steel Manufacturing Case Study"

David Siegel, Shanhu Yang, and Edzel Lapira, Predictronics Corp


"Detection of Spiral Bevel Gear Damage Modes Using Oil Debris Particle Distributions"

Paula Dempsey and Robert Handschuh, NASA Glenn Research Center


"Investigation and Evaluation of Condition Indicators, Variable Selection, and Health Indication Methods and Algorithms for Rotorcraft Gear Components"

David Siegel and Jay Lee, Center for Intelligent Maintenance Systems, University of Cincinnati and Paula Dempsey, NASA Glenn Research Center


"Rotating Machinery Diagnosis using Synchro-Squeezing Transform Based Feature Analysis"

Budhaditya Hazra and Sriram Narasimhan University of Waterloo, in Canada


“A Process for Data Driven Prognostics”

Eric Bechhoefer, NRG Systems and David He, University of Illinois at Chicago


“The Effect of Speed Variations on Machinery Vibrational Analysis”

Joseph Sheeley and Frank Steinle, Aerospace Testing Alliance, Arnold AFB


“A Survey of Rotating Machinery Condition Indicators”

Cory Duggin and Joe Sheeley, Aerospace Testing Alliance, Arnold AFB


“Structural Health Monitoring of Large Scale Composite Structures using the Structural Irregularity and Damage Evaluation Routine”

Roger M Crane, US Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, and Colin P Ratcliffe, US Naval Academy Mechanical Engineering Department


“Prognostics of Electronics Under Vibration Using Acceleration Sensors”

Jie Gu, Donald Barker, and Michael Pecht of the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE), University of Maryland


“Agent-based Health Monitoring Architecture for Power Systems”

Guangfan Zhang, Bulent Ayhan, Roger Xu, Margaret Lyell, William Krueger, and Leonard Haynes of Intelligent Automation Inc.


Hank Hegner Best Student Paper

“The Dynamic Response of a Planetary Gear Train in the Presence of a Spalling Fault”

Keming Zhang, Chongqing University

Runner Up

“Modeling and Simultation Analysis of Dual-Rotor Vibration System with Multiple Faults”

Yizhou Yang, Tsinghua University


Hank Hegner Best Student Paper (Award named for SpectraQuest, Inc.)

"Detection of Lubrication Starvation in Ball Bearings and Impact in Lifetime"

Jorge A. Mijares, Texas A&M University

Runner Up (Anonymous Donation Award)

"Thermal Degradation of Polyimide Insulation and its Effects on Electromagnetic Coil Impedance"

Jordan Jameson, University of Maryland


Hank Hegner Best Student Paper (Award named for BINDT)

"Health Monitoring of Solenoid Valve Electromagnetic Coil Insulation under Thermal Deterioration"

Jordan Jameson, Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering, University of Maryland

Runner Up

"Investigation of Prognostics and Health Monitoring for Bearings under Overload Conditions"

Anna Mazzolini, University of Tennessee


Hank Hegner Best Student Paper (Award named for SpectraQuest, Inc)

"Development of an Advanced Gas Emissions Monitoring System for Oil and Gas Production Sites"

Sara Al Bulushi, University of Central Lancashire

Runner Up (Award named for BINDT)

"Planetary Gearbox Fault Detection Using Acoustic Emission Sensor"

Jae Myung Yoon, University of Illinois at Chicago


Hank Hegner Best Student Paper (Award named for Saab Defense and Security USA, Inc)

"A Study on Comparing Acoustic Emission and Vibration Sensors for Gearbox Fault Diagnostics"

Yongzhi Qu, University of Illinois at Chicago


Hank Hegner Best Student Paper (Award named for SpectraQuest, Inc)

"Reconfigurable Informatics Platform for Rapid Prognostic Design and Implementation: Tools and Case Studies"

David Siegel, NSF I/UCRC for Intelligent Maintenance Systems, University of Cincinnati


Hank Hegner Best Student Paper (Award named for Howie Gaberson)

“Canary Approach for Monitoring BGA Interconnect Reliability under Temperature Cycling”

Preeti Chauhan, Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering, University of Maryland

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