Front of US Capital building.

ASNT Advocacy and Government Affairs

Supporting the nondestructive testing world through active engagement with policymakers, industry stakeholders, and the public and promoting initiatives that support industry growth.

Our Mission

ASNT’s mission is to advance the field of nondestructive testing. We do this by being effective advocates in Washington, D.C. through active engagement with Congress, agencies, and federal and state governments. We are dedicated to influencing legislation, shaping regulations, and ensuring that the interests of NDT professionals are well represented. Additionally, ASNT is committed to raising public awareness of the vital role NDT plays in ensuring the safety of our world and highlighting the rewarding career opportunities it offers.

Some ways we advocate for NDT is by:

  • Tracking state and federal legislative activities and participating in public comment periods

  • Engaging with regulatory bodies like OSHA and the DOT to influence policies and standards

  • Mobilizing the NDT community to support legislative efforts by providing training sessions and resources to strengthen our collective voice

  • Engaging with media to showcase NDT's critical role in industries like aviation and infrastructure with plans to expand our efforts to secure coverage in sectors like rail, maritime, and oil and gas.

Current Initiatives

From the halls of government to the broader public, ASNT works to ensure NDT is recognized and supported at every level through direct advocacy, strategic partnerships, and media outreach. Explore how these efforts are shaping the future of NDT and how you can get involved.

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