ASNT Advocates for Workforce Opportunities at ASAE Legislative Fly-In

(Columbus, OH) - The American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) participated in the American Society for Association Executives (ASAE): The Center for Association Leadership Legislative Fly-In held on 5-6 March 2024 in Washington D.C. The event offered an opportunity to engage with lawmakers on Capitol Hill and advocate for the passage of the Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow's Workforce Act. 

Garra Liming, ASNT Director of Marketing and Communication, represented ASNT at a meeting with congressmen and congresswomen to discuss the proposed legislation. The Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow's Workforce Act aims to create more opportunities for Americans to pursue credential programs offered by professional societies and associations.  

“ASNT supports the consideration, passage, and implementation of this legislation,” said Neal J. Couture, CAE, ASNT Executive Director. “If enacted, it would allow young people to use their 529 plans to pay for tuition, exam, and supply costs associated with career technical education, such as NDE/NDT.” 

Liming met with several lawmakers on Capitol Hill to discuss the Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow's Workforce Act and share information on the importance of nondestructive testing (NDT). 

"Participating in the ASAE legislative fly-in was an invaluable experience," said Liming. "It provided an opportunity to advocate on behalf of ASNT and the NDT industry by engaging directly with lawmakers to let them know about the legislation’s impact on workforce development. The Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow's Workforce Act has the potential to open doors for countless students who want to use their 529 savings to make workforce training more affordable and accessible." 

These advocacy efforts align with ASNT's commitment to support workforce development initiatives and foster professional growth within the industry. Through active engagement in legislative advocacy, ASNT continues to champion policies that empower NDT professionals and drive economic prosperity and independence. 

About ASNT     

ASNT is the association for nondestructive testing (NDT) professionals committed to making the world a safer place. NDT professionals detect irregularities, flaws, and defects in materials, components, and structures that could compromise the safety, reliability, or functionality of an object or structure. Established in 1941, ASNT supports members with certifications, professional development, industry insights, advocacy, events, publications, and networking opportunities and is focused on fostering the growth of future generations of NDT professionals through the ASNT Foundation. Serving more than 22 000 members and certificate holders worldwide, ASNT is the largest technical society for NDT professionals. ASNT is based in Columbus, Ohio, with offices in Houston, Texas, and Chennai, India.     

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