ASNT Provides ISQ Industry Feedback and Gap Analysis

The ASNT Industry Sector Qualification – Oil & Gas (ISQ – O&G) program is one of many programs that ASNT provides to demonstrate technician capabilities and competency to the NDT industry. As part of the ISQ program, ASNT has compiled feedback on gaps identified from exam pass/fail results and reporting. The document—ISQ Industry Feedback and Gap Analysis—highlights observations and recommendations based on statistical data from all exams since the exam rollout in 2019.

This is the first industry qualification exam analysis provided to the industry. The intent is to focus ultrasonic testing (UT) trainers and service providers on identifying gaps in the training of UT technicians and helping improve the quality of NDT. To learn more about the ISQ program, visit

About ASNT Certification Services LLC

ASNT Certification Services LLC was established to manage and operate the certification and accreditation programs of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT). With more than 33,000 certifications issued to NDT professionals worldwide, ASNT Certification Services currently administers four certification programs: ASNT NDT Level III, ASNT NDT Level II, ASNT Central Certification Program (ACCP), and Industrial Radiography Radiation Safety Personnel (IRRSP), and manages the Employer-Based Certification (EBC) Audit Program and the Industry Sector Qualification – Oil & Gas (ISQ – O&G) program.


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