People point at different documents on the tabletop they stand around.

ASNT Strategic Plan

The ASNT Strategic Plan 2022-2026 outlines the Society's vision, mission, and key objectives to advance nondestructive testing and enhance engagement across six strategic pillars.

Plan updated as of 30 June 2023.

The ASNT Strategic Plan outlines our association's direction for 2022-2026, recognizing that plans quickly evolve due to changing environments, priorities, and lessons from implementation. After a year and a half, we are revising the plan and introducing Objectives and Key Results (OKR) to enhance strategic management. OKR, a proven framework in the association community, empowers organizations to navigate their strategic agendas effectively. Our Board of Directors has adopted this approach. While the six pillars remain, we have refined their details for a clearer expression of our intentions. Progress has been substantial across nearly all objectives, described within each pillar.

Join us in turning our vision into reality, offering opportunities for engagement regardless of interests, skills, or location. Together, we can achieve our goals.

Download The Full Strategic Plan


Pillar 1: Enhance Certification Portfolio

  • Transition ACCP to the ASNT 9712 certification

  • Expand the ISQ program

  • Adjust revenue goals based on international pricing strategies

  • Revise the targeted number of certified individuals based on global trends


  • ASNT 9712 replaces ACCP

  • Three of five planned ISQ exams launched

A hand using a stamp to place a seal on a document

Pillar 2: Increase Membership Value

  • Develop professional development resources for current and new members

  • Promote AI and machine learning in nondestructive testing

  • Improve volunteer tracking and engagement

  • Improve content delivery to meet individual needs and interests

  • Grow membership


  • Volunteer Portal live

  • ASNT Leadership Academy established

  • Acquired NDT Classroom

  • Houston training and certification center launched

  • Content management system implemented

Members stand behind large "ASNT" letters at the ASNT Conference.

Pillar 3: Refine Career Pathways

  • Develop research about workforce issues

  • Support veterans' transition into private industry jobs

  • Provide web content for parents, teachers, and students to learn about the field

  • Implement an apprenticeship program for Level II technicians


  • Roadmaps to Career Success created

  • Information kits developed for educators and students

  • NDT apprenticeship program proposal under review

An experienced technician reviewing information with a younger man.

Pillar 4: Advocacy

  • Connect with key government officials and agencies to educate them about NDT

  • Advocate for regulations supporting NDT adoption and certification requirements

  • Promote public awareness of NDT


  • The “Face of NDT” program launched

  • Inaugural NDT competition held at ASNT 2022

  • PR firm hired to assist in publication outreach

  • NDT subject matter experts receive media response training

  • Legislative affairs agenda developed to advocate for NDT 

Front of US Capital building.

Pillar 5: International Growth

  • Implement ISO 9712 program in two regions outside the US

  • Increase non-US revenue by 100% by FY26


  • ASNT India launched to support member interests in India and the southeast Asia region

  • ASNT India implements ASNT 9712 program

Digital dots making up the globe as if on a window, people blurred in the background talking.

Pillar 6: Expand Research and Scholarship

  • Develop research for advancing NDT technology, methodology, and techniques

  • Endow scholarships for trade schools, undergraduates, research and faculty fellowships, and named faculty

  • Support research and scholarship funding through fundraising, grants, and sponsorships

  • Increase scholarship and research awards


  • ASNT Foundation established

  • ASNT endowment transferred

Two people in lab coats analyze an item together.
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