ASNT Events Terms and Conditions

ASNT In-Person and Online Events and Activities Code of Conduct

The American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) holds several in-person and online events, activities, and meetings each year to enable participants to share information, learn, and build personal networks.

To provide all participants—members and non-members alike—the opportunity to benefit from our activities, it is ASNT’s policy to maintain an environment free from hostile or offensive behavior. Accordingly, ASNT expressly disapproves of and prohibits any form of unlawful harassment based on a person’s race, color, religion (or lack thereof), sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, genetic information characteristics, military status, veteran status, or any other legally protected category or characteristic. Harassment is prohibited wherever and whenever ASNT work is being performed including ASNT-sponsored in-person or online conferences, social events, and meetings.

Harassment can include verbal, physical, or visual conduct that denigrates, or shows hostility or aversion to, another person when such conduct has the purpose or effect of creating a hostile or offensive environment. Harassment can also include the display of sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks, online chats, or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. ASNT will not tolerate any form of such harassment.

Speakers and presenters at ASNT events are asked to frame discussions as openly and inclusively as possible and to be aware of how language or images may be perceived by others, especially given the international aspect of this organization.

Exhibitors and sponsors are also subject to the anti-harassment policy when participating in ASNT sponsored events.

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of ASNT staff immediately. ASNT staff will be happy to help participants contact venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the activity. We value your participation.

If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the ASNT shall take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender, expulsion from the conference with no refund, and disqualification from attending future activities.

Participants of ASNT activities are required to agree with this code of conduct before participating in an event organized by the ASNT.  ASNT will enforce this code throughout all activities and we expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody.

Registration Policies

All persons attending an ASNT Event must be registered

Full registration to ASNT events includes the ASNT professional program, exhibits, and welcome reception (if applicable). One-day registrations receive the same as full conference registrations on the registered day only.

Payment must accompany registration. Registrations received without payment will not be processed. ASNT accepts credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express), check (drawn on a US Bank/US funds), and wire transfer. Please Note: customer is responsible for all fees incurred by payment by wire transfer. 

Name Badges

A "registration" grants individual access to and participation in an ASNT event. Each conference participant must have some form of registration (attendee, volunteer, presenter, exhibitor, etc.) in order to access and participate in ASNT events.

Official conference name badges are distributed to all ASNT event participants. A "name badge" serves as a ticket or pass to technical sessions, general sessions, and/or the exhibits area based on the registration type. No one will be allowed entrance into sessions, the exhibit hall, and/or keynote sessions without an official name badge.

A single badge is issued to an individual registrant. Badge sharing or badge swapping is strictly prohibited. Badge sharing is defined as the use or wearing of a name badge by anyone other than the person identified on the name badge. Violations of this policy may result in cancellation of the registration without refund and expulsion of all parties from the event.


ASNT has the right and permission to use, reproduce, and/or publish photographs and/or video from any ASNT event in various printed or electronic publications, section promotions or any other related endeavors.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation requests must be received via email to by the cancellation deadline designated for each conference and are subject to a $100 service charge. No refunds will be made after the cancellation deadline. “No-shows” (no notification of cancellation) are not entitled to a refund.

Major Event Cancellation Policy

For major events that affect the location of an ASNT conference, and/or disrupt travel, refer to the Major Events Cancellation Policy.

Commercialization Policy

ASNT strives to provide a forum for objective presentation of ideas and knowledge free of commercialism—presentations are not meant to be sales pitches. The use of trade names, company identifications, or product names in oral and visual presentations, abstracts, and papers should be avoided.

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