ASNT ISQ Prep Courses
Led by certified NDT professionals, our industry sector qualification (ISQ) prep courses provide comprehensive coverage of exam topics.
These courses include practice materials and expert guidance to help you thoroughly prepare for your ISQ exams with confidence.
ISQ Prep Courses currently unavailable.
Equipment Required for ISQ Courses
Registered course participants are responsible for providing all equipment necessary for the course and ISQ examination.
Transducers: We recommend you bring your own transducer, but ASNT has Evident D798-SM transducers available for daily borrowing by ISQ UTT paid course registrants for training and immediate use in ISQ UTT exams following the training course.
You will need to check in and out the transducer daily and show proper identification. Transducer rentals are complimentary only for registered and paid class attendees.
Maximize Your NDT Education
Grow and Advance Your Career
ASNT provides the resources you need to set and achieve your goals as an NDT professional.