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Materials Evaluation (ME) is ASNT's flagship journal with news and features covering all aspects of NDT and the NDT industry. The technical content in ME is peer-reviewed by qualified technicians and researchers, ensuring quality information and discussion.

Engineer in light-colored uniform using a tablet with digital overlays of data and technology icons surrounding the image.

Digital Transformation Issue

September 2024 - Volume 82, Issue 9

Check out the latest edition of Materials Evaluation, where we explore key topics including the impact of digital transformation on NDT, the effects of the EU Data Act on the industry, and ASNT's new ATO certification program for training organizations.

We also delve into new research on nondestructive evaluation of weld microstructures in power plants and understanding concrete failure. Don’t miss out on our popular sections like Industry News, Standards Update, New Products, Snapshots, and more!

Read The Latest Edition 

Previous Editions

Materials Evaluation

July 2024 – Volume 82, Issue 7

This issue focuses on advances in VT, covering robotics for confined spaces, remote VT for gas turbines, machine-vision tools for automotive repair, global VT certification, and digital twins for training.

Materials Evaluation

June 2024 – Volume 82, Issue 6

This issue features the 2024 Buyers Guide. Explore wireless ultrasonic sensors for asset monitoring, low-frequency ultrasonic attenuation in metals, subsurface defect evaluation in lead seals, ISO/TS 22499, and AI-assisted wind turbine blade analysis.

Materials Evaluation

May 2024 – Volume 82, Issue 5

This issue highlights diverse NDT career paths and its critical role in safety. Explore phased array UT, terahertz NDT for corrosion detection, defect detection in digital radiography, AI and drones, and in-service inspection gaps.

Materials Evaluation

April 2024 – Volume 83, Issue 4

Focus on Aerospace in NDT, featuring articles on computed tomography training, ultrasonic grain size classification, corrosion detection methods, NDE 4.0 in cultural heritage, and ethical implications of flawed parts.

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